The first step you will want to take is to add your employees that will be receiving keys to your facility into your database. If you highlight the users tab, you will see the first option is to Add User. You will want to start by clicking there.
From this screen you are ready to add key users to the database. The amount of data you enter is up to your administrator. The more information that you enter, the more ways you have to search for individual users. If you use the Reports To field, the database will automatically create a user hierarchy tree. Once you have entered all your user information hit the save button and your user will have been added.
Now that you have added your users you will want to assign the keys you hand out. You will want to highlight the key tab. Then enter the serial number of your key in the search field that comes up underneath the keys tab.
When you enter your serial number and hit the find button your key will come up. Click on the keys serial number that you want to assign to your user.
When you click on the Reassign Keys tab you will get a drop down menu of all employees available to have a key assigned to them. Once you have selected your employee from the drop down menu you will have to click where it says Update Key.
Your key has been assigned to a new user.